US Airport Amenities
At latest count, 32 U.S. airports now have adult changing spaces. Most feature a hydraulic fold-down table located in a large unisex/companion restroom. Six currently have a hoist system for transfers: AUS, HOU, IAH, MEM, MSP and ORD. The changing suite at ORD includes two showers as well, one standard and one transfer type. At three airports–BWI, PHX, PHL—the changing spaces have fixed benches that do not adjust in height.
Airports that Currently offer Adult Changing Tables (last updated May 2023)
For more information, check out this article, “Gerald R. ford International Airport offers companion care restroom”
Other Resources
US Airports with Sensory Rooms (updated May 2023)
Favorite Hacks of a Blind Air Traveler – Pat Pound is a Consultant with Open Doors Organization