We’re excited at Open Doors Organization to release our 4th nationwide study on the travel patterns and spending of American adults with disabilities. Conducted by The Harris Poll in June/July 2020, it focuses on 2018-19 when travel was still booming. During that 2-year period, 27 million travelers took a total of 81 million trips and spent $58.7 billion on just their own travel, up from $34.6 billion in the prior 2015 Study.

Spending on air travel also increased to $11 billion, up from $9 billion in 2015. As in prior years, the 2020 Market Study provides details on Internet and mobile technology use and includes sections on travel destinations, air travel, cruise travel accommodations.

New in 2020 are questions on preferred activities at the destination and travel plans post-pandemic.

See To Order for instructions on how to order the 2020 ODO Market Study as well as purchase the 2015, 2005 and 2002 Reports.