2024 Market Study

We’re excited at Open Doors Organization to release our 5th nationwide study on the travel patterns and spending of American adults with disabilities. The Open Doors Organization commissioned The Harris Poll to conduct a quantitative study among U.S. adults with disabilities (aged 18 and older) to identify the general travel habits and patterns of adults with disabilities.

The 2024 Market Study was conducted online and by telephone* by The Harris Poll on behalf of Open Doors Organization between June 3 and June 27, 2024, among 1,108 adults who:

  • Reside in the US
  • Are ages 18+
  • Have a disability**, defined as: blindness, deafness, a learning condition, or a condition that substantially limits one or more basic physical activities such as walking, climbing stairs, reaching, lifting or carrying.

Results were weighted by education, age by sex, race/ethnicity, region, income, household size, marital status, disability type, phone status, and smoker status to bring them in line with their actual proportions in the population. Telephone respondents were also balanced on the number of phone lines in household to account for probability of selection. Weighting targets were sourced from the 2022 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Systems (BRFSS) data.

According to the most current US Census Bureau (2022) estimate, there are 256,066,836 American adults. Sixteen percent of American adults have some form of disability, amounting to more than 40 million people.***

Key objectives of the study are to:

  • Measure general travel behaviors including how often adults with disabilities are traveling, how much money they spend, and which sources of information they rely on to make decisions;
  • Gauge experiences with airlines, airports, hotels, and cruises;
  • Determine the obstacles that adults with disabilities encounter with airlines, airports, hotels, and cruises;
  • Compare the 2024 findings to the 2020, 2015, 2005, and 2002 studies, where possible, to uncover possible trends and differences over time.
  • Due to changes in research method, survey content, etc., year-over-year results are to only be reviewed directionally.

Order the 2024 ODO Market Study online or complete the Market Study Order Form and email to Justine@opendoorsnfp.org.

Government/Non-Profit Rate – $400

Corporate Rate – $500

Please contact Justine at Justine@opendoorsnfp.org with questions or to order a printed copy of the 2024 study and for information on previous studies.