

We have worked with Uber to help guide/create two programs, UberAssist and UberAccess. UberAssist uses standard vehicles and requires drivers who volunteer for the program to receive disability awareness training and learn out to handle and stow mobility devices including manual wheelchairs. UberAssist uses wheelchair accessible vehicles and requires drivers to receive training as well on wheelchair securement.

We have also provided web-based training opportunities include driver training and tutorial opportunities focused on appropriate language and good customer service, along with video demonstrations of how to assist passengers using mobility devices and how to guide those with vision loss. ODO also provides hands-on training for drivers operating wheelchair accessible vehicles which requires drivers to first observe how to properly secure a passenger using a wheelchair in the vehicle, after which the driver must demonstrate securing a wheelchair with all of the required securement equipment.

We are currently working on new projects with Uber and Lyft that will be coming soon.


We are currently working on a project with SoundTransit, creating a way-finding app that assists travelers with disabilities navigate around Sound Transit stations. A pilot version will be launched end of 2023 and full deployment in 2024.