Airport Cooperative Research Program
Since 2015, Open Doors Organization has contributed to or led a number of projects funded by the Transportation Research Board’s Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP). The following reports, all of which are designed to help airports and other aviation stakeholders improve their services and facilities for travelers with functional limitations, are available for free download from the TRB.
ATTRI Stakeholder Engagement and User Needs
The Accessible Transportation Technologies Research Initiative (ATTRI) is a joint U.S. DOT program that is co-led by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration. ATTRI’s goal is to develop and implement transformative applications to improve mobility options for all travelers, particularly those with disabilities. In 2015-16, Open Doors Organization contributed its expertise to an early ATTRI project led by Battelle Memorial Institute that explored user needs through an extensive literature review, three webinars and an in-person workshop held in Washington, DC. Eric Lipp, ODO Executive Director, acted as facilitator for the three webinars and provided an overview of the findings at the DC workshop. The resulting ATTRI User Needs Assessment: Stakeholder Engagement Report examines the needs of three targeted groups—persons with disabilities, veterans with disabilities, and older adults, the barriers they face and which types of technologies show the most potential to meet those needs.